Concretions are mysterious geologic phenomena that occur in a variety of sedimentary rock such as shale, sandstone, siltstone, and limestone. Some types of concretions are formed after sediment envelopes an animal or a plant as it decomposes. In a particular region of upstate New York, concretions have stunning shapes. 

These mystical stones are small, beautiful and symmetrical, and appear out of the flowing waters of an enchanting creek.  They appear as UFOs, Buns, Telephones, Pachamamas, and other interesting shapes.  These are not official names but merely loving nicknames we have given them. We hope you enjoy the stunning beauty of these magical stones.

Many concretions have two sides that are quite different. When both sides are symmetrical you have a perfect concretion.

The reverse side.  1.5" x 1.5"

The One that Started it All

In the summer of 2006, I headed to  a small town for their annual yard sale. Dozens of residents set up tables in their front yards. I walked by the table of 12 year old boy selling five perfectly symmetrical stones in the shape of UFOs for $4 each. I asked him how he made them. He laughed and said that he found them in the creek. I laughed too, amused, and said "no, seriously, how do you make them?".  He insisted that he finds them. I was a bit incredulous but his father reached into his own pocket and pulled out an even more incredibly elaborate stone.  He said that they find them at a secret spot in the creek. The father's stone was not for sale.  It was the first time I heard the word "concretion" and I was hooked. It took me a few years of trips to the creek to finally find the spot along the fifty mile waterway where these concretions come out of the clay and pour into its waters. The concretion on the left is the one I bought that day. 

A stunning concretion seen from the front and various other angles.  1.5" x  4"

According to an article in Nature, Carbonate Concretions occur in sedimentary rocks of widely varying geological ages throughout the world. Many of these concretions are isolated spheres, centered on fossils. The formation of such concretions has been variously explained by diffusion of inorganic carbon and organic matter in buried marine sediments. However, details of the chemical processes by which the spherical shape developed and the associated carbon sources are little known. 

According to the Paleontological Research Institution, Calcareous Concretions are spherical to oval-shaped calcium carbonate concretions that are flattened parallel to the bedding planes. They can range in size from 1 inch to 25 feet in diameter. They most often precipitate around a nucleus of fossilized material including plant matter, shells, or even remains of fish. In our region of upstate New York, however, concretions range in size  from approximately 0.5" to  6" in size. 

The Double

Rare ones appear as Double concretions. 

The reverse side of this Double

0.5" x  1.5"

A beutiful "Telephone" concretion.  Interestingly, we find quite a few concrections that have the shape of an old telephone.  This one is 1.5" x  1.5"

1.5" x  1.5"

1.5" x  1.5"

1.5" x. 2.5"

1" diameter

0.5" diameter

1" x  1"

1" x  1.5"

 A rare Pachamama.  2" X  5"

Pachamama is a goddess revered by the indigenous peoples of the Andes. She is also known as the earth/time mother. In Inca mythology, Pachamama is a fertility goddess who presides over planting and harvesting, embodies the mountains, and causes earthquakes.

The reverse side of this Pachamama

Some rare concretions come in this large beautiful shape. They have a small head and a larger pregnant body. One can feel the warmth, energy and strength of this feminine shape.  There is nothing more rewarding than pulling a beautiful Pachamama out of the river's silt.


A perfect little Pachamama.  1" x  1"

The double-headed Pachamama

An incredible and very rare combination of a Pachamama, UFO, and other mysterious patterns. This is one of my favorites and one of the first ones I found.   2" x  3"

The vast majority of concretions in our area come in the shape of UFOs.  They range from a quarter of an inch to three inches in diameter. We are not sure why most of them come in this shape. The other shapes are generally more rare.  

Pachamamas are very rare.  Three views of the same stone. The front is usally the most elaborate while the back is quite flat. Some of them have an elaborate back as well.  Approx 2" x  3"

A stunning find. Both sides of the concretion have a face. 

One side is a Panther.  1" x  1"

The reverse side is an alien frog.

One of the largest concretions.  2" x  6"

Top left and bottom left are the more common "Buns".   2" x  2"

Three views of same concretion

This concretion is incredible in that all sides are extremely intricate.

Approx 2" x  2"

A top favorite of mine.  Hard to explain how the sprinkled gravel embedded so perfectly only around the middle area.

An odd shape

Concretions are also known as Button Rocks, Fairy Stones, Claydogs, and Claystones. There are several places in the world where they appear, with different characteristics in each location. They can be found in Canada, France, the United States, and several other countries. The concretions we find were most likely small creatures living at the bottom of the ocean or glacial lake that died burrowed in the sediment. Their consistent shapes make it unlikely that they are just random formations of rock.  Many times we find identical concretions that must have formed from the same critter a long time ago.

Several rare Pachamamas

Approx 1.5" x  4"

A thin-necked Pachamama

Three different views of a beautiful and very rare Pachamama.  Oddly, it is almost identical to the one pictured above. 2" x  3"

Rare Pachamama shapes. 2" x  3.5"

The Butterfly

The unexplained one

A little gem. 1.5" x  1.5"

A sweet little baby something.

 0.5 x 1.5 

A Double.  1" x  2"

Pachamama.  1" x  3"

This one is called The Motorcycle.  2" x  5"

The Spaceship.  2" x  5"

A beuatiful perfectly symmetrical little concretion.  1" x  1"

The Hybrids

Sometimes, when concretions were forming,  a random rock would stand  in its way immediately deforming its symmetrical nature. Some of these concretions are barely recognizable as such, except for their color and texture. However, some of them incorporated the rock into their altered shape.  We named these concrections "Hybrids".  Many of them are just as fascinating as their perfectly symmetrical counterparts. Most Hybrids incorporate the same type of black stone common to this period and region. 

My favorite Hybrid. When it was forming the concretion enveloped the rock from all sides. This would likely have been a large UFO.  3" diameter.

The Odd One

This one stands out. It looks like a fossil but feels like a concretion. We have never found any others like it. Maybe it was a rare creature that turned into this shape.  2" x  6" 

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